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AirCargoConsulting GmbH is an innovative, worldwide operating Agency. Our vision: reducing trade barriers for our customers!

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Airportpark Leipzig-Halle


——   the largest business park next to the german motorway A9!   ——




Warehouse and logistic center for sale. Close to the Airport Leipzig-Halle and with direct access to motorway A9 (Berlin to Munich), the Airportpark offers multiple opportunities. It was built in the year 1995. In the past, Amazon was one of the users of the building due to it`s excellent strategic location.



Adress: Airportpark Leipzig-Halle, An der Autobahn 1,2 , D-04435 Schkeuditz, Germany

Located vis-à-vis the Airport Leipzig-Halle and few minutes to Leipzig city centre, next to the crossroad of motorway A9/ A14 and federal road B6 with total 140.000 vehicles/day, the Airportpark, the surrounding and the region is currently enjoying a major boom. DHL and Lufthansa Cargo are using the international Airport Leipzig-Halle deploying more than 80 aircrafts for air cargo.




  • Greenfield site (warehouse, parking), 40,854 sqm, ready to use, and remaining area (traffic area, agricultural land etc.), 8,000 sqm; in total: 48,854 sqm
  • 6 back-to-back loading ramps
  • floor-load capacities:
    • ground floor 5 t/m2
    • upper floor 0,5 t/m2
  • building height: 18m/ 3 floors
  • 24h operating license
  • Price: EUR 15.500.000.-

















For further requests, please send an email to:


Mr. Jens Borowski

Managing Partner AirCargoConsulting GmbH




Authentic Vision


Founded in 2012 as an official spin-off from the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Authentic Vision is best known for providing new and innovative ways of brand protection. The company holds several patents and is cooperating closely with universities and the world’s leading security printing companies to stay abreast of the latest developments in the fields of brand/value protection and customer communication solutions.


Authentic Vision was founded with the mission of becoming the world’s trusted source for brand, product and value authentication by empowering consumers, industries and authorities through market-leading technologies openly accessible to everyone.


The framework for all of our endeavors and future plans:

  • People
    Provide a great place to work, where people are driven by achieving true customer satisfaction and inspired to continuously create innovative and deliver market-leading solutions.
  • Partners
    Grow a network of customers, suppliers and channel partners based on trust and mutual value creation.
  • Sustainability
    Growing the company based on social, economic and environmental values in line with true responsible global citizenship.
  • Diversity
    Respecting and recognizing the rights of everyone without any differentation of indiviudals.
  • Integrity
    Achieving integrity by acting according to our stated values, creating trust through saying what we mean and taking responsibility for our actions.

“Helping our clients to get in closer dialogue with their customers, while at the same time protecting their brand and values is our motivation for driving innovation.”

Thomas Weiß, CTO Authentic Vision


Cyclone Technology

Cyclone 4006HT- (Heavy Truck) for runway rubber removal and airfield paint and marking removal.

Cyclone 4006HT- (Heavy Truck) for runway rubber removal and airfield paint and marking removal.


Up to 25,000ft² (2,300 m²) of effective rubber removal per hour using less than 6 gpm (23 L/min)
Self-contained cleaning system integrated with a Class 8 truck chassis
Ability to service multiple airports in a region
Roadway paint-line removal
Up to 5 hours of continuous operation using just 1600 gallons (6,000 L) of water
Simple design results in ease of use, serviceability, and maintenance

More informations under: http://www.cycloneclean.com

Airport Neuhardenberg bei Berlin (EDON)

Neuhardenberg Luftbildaufnahme_2

General facts
Operating mode: VFR day and night, up to wing span 24m, other aircrafts available on authority request

Location: near Berlin, 52°36`46“N 14°14`33“E

Distances: Berlin City: ca. 50min, Poznan: ca. 2h

Height: 10,24m/35 ft MSL

Runway: 08/26, LDA 2400m x 50m, PCN 53, Concrete

TWR Frequency: 119.125 GE/EN, Neuhardenberg Info

Existing Buildings: Tower, Shelters, Hangar

Airport Category: Code 2B

Approach Category: VFR

Refuelling: Jet A1 (in process by BP), Avgas 100LL

Operating License: 7d/24h PPR

Aircraft Parking
Positions (Ramp): 320 x 70m I 22.400m2, PCN 53 Concrete

Fire Fighting Category: ICAO up to CAT 6 (48h PPR)

Aircraft handling: Airport Berlin-Neuhardenberg GmbH

Air traffic control: Bremen Information/Radar

Hangar: 50 x 50m

Shelter: W 12m x H 6,70m x L 35m

Air traffic controller: Phone: +49 (0) 33476 60878


Airport Magdeburg Cochstedt International (CSO)

LEG Fläche Sachsen-Anhalt

aerial view – Airport Magdeburg Cochstedt International

Operating mode: Commercial airport; IFR/VFR

Location: Saxony-Anhalt, near Magdeburg (N 51 51 21.34; E 011 25 04.83

Distances: Magdeburg City 30 min, Motorsport Arena Oschersleben 20min, Brunswick 1h, Wolfsburg 1h, Hannover 2h, Leipzip 2h, Berlin 2h

Height: 601ft (183m)

Runway: 08/26, LDA 2500m x 45m + 2 x 300m safety areas, beaconing after ILS CAT I

TWR frequency: 131.125

Existing Buildings: Fire station, tower, terminal

Airport category: ICAO 4E

Approach category: CAT I


Refuelling: Jet A1, Avgas 100LL

Operating Licence 7d/24h

Aircraft parking:

Position (Ramp): 3 x C and 2 x E

Fire fighting category: ICAO up to CAT 9

Aircraft handling: Flughafengesellschaft Magdeburg/Cochstedt mbH

Refuelling services: Flughafengesellschaft Magdeburg Cochstedt mbH, duty-free tank farm – Air BP

Air traffic control: The Tower Company TTC

Additional Information:
Parking spaces: 3000
Bistro: Land and air side
Airport Hotel: Single room, double room, apartments (hostel)


Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-30 um 12.51.44


Meet us at InterAirport Europe 2015 in Munich from 10th – 13 th October 2017



DoKaSch develops and manufactures air cargo ULDs in accordance with internationally valid standards for each customer requirement.

DoKaSch develops and manufactures air cargo ULDs in accordance with internationally valid standards for each customer requirement.


Luftfahrt-Bundesamt Bundesoberbehörde im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS)

Luftfahrt-Bundesamt Bundesoberbehörde im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS)www.easa.orgwww.easa.org











European Aviation Safety Agency

European Aviation Safety Agency




www.flughafen-erfurt-weimar.de flughafen-erfurt-weimar-cd_01




No matter whether you are coming from Frankfurt, Ludwigshafen, Cologne or Luxembourg, Hahn Airport is easy to reach due to its central location and good connections.

No matter whether you are coming from Frankfurt, Ludwigshafen, Cologne or Luxembourg, Hahn Airport is easy to reach due to its central location and good connections.


site notice



AirCargoConsulting GmbH i.Gr. has offices in Germany and Switzerland.

AirCargoConsulting GmbH i.Gr.
Head office
Titlisstrasse 15
CH-8032 Zürich


AirCargoConsulting GmbH i.Gr.
Villeneuve-sur-Yonne Str. 4
D-56338 Braubach


For any requests, please send us an email at the following address: info@aircargoconsulting.ch


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AirCargoConsulting GmbH i.Gr.

Titlisstrasse 15

CH-8032 Zürich


Geschäftsführung: Leander Pflüger, Jens Borowski

Executive Board

The Team of AirCargoConsulting Ltd.: Mr. Hamid Rasul, Mr. Benjamin Heinze, Mr. Klaus Borowski, Mr. Jens Borowski

The Team of AirCargoConsulting GmbH: Mr. Hamid Rasul, Mr. Benjamin Heinze, Mr. Klaus Borowski, Mr. Jens Borowski


Mr. Jens Borowski

Managing Partner


Germany & Switzerland


Mr. Leander Pflüger

Managing Partner


Germany & Switzerland


Mr. Klaus D. Borowski

Senior Director Sales




Mr. Hamid Rasul

Director of Sales Central Asia


Germany & Afghanistan


Mr. Thomas Andrew Mc Coy





BODA Consulting UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Mr. M. Daki

External Consultant for property management






Our company AirCargoConsulting GmbH is an international advisor and representative of leading ULD design- and manufacturer organization and GSE manufacturer. A team of independent consultants are available for all aspects, including project management, spare parts supply, training programs of customized and general nature, purchasing, selection of equipment, independent tests, certification, standards, industrial partners, sub-suppliers, and lots of other services.